• hunger makes me a modern girl book review
    Books,  Living,  Reviews

    Hunger Makes Me a Modern Girl Book Review

    Carrie Brownstein, guitarist from the rock band Sleater-Kinney and comic co-star of Portlandia with Fred Armisen, wrote a memoir that quickly was listed as a New York Times Bestseller. This sums up my Hunger Makes Me a Modern Girl Book Review: I love Carrie Brownstein. Reading the memoir went quickly – I finished it in about 2 days. It surprised me just how good of a writer Carrie is, given that she’s a talented musician and sketch character actress. A strong narrative arc and flair for dramatic confessional lifeisms punctuates each stage of Sleater-Kinney’s career. I knew the storyline would be hard to read – coming of age is always…

  • Books,  Reviews,  Travel

    Dispatches From Pluto Book Review + Lemuria Bookstore

    Mississippi. The softly sibilant state most often spoken in the shortest span of time. When was the last time you said it without counting in the same breath? My mother’s family is from Mississippi, and for as long as I can remember in our youth we would make a yearly visit to my grandmother and cousins. First in Yazoo City, then in Jackson when my grandmother relocated after my grandfather passed away. Southern magical realism is a popular writing style – and one of my favorites. The truth is always stranger than fiction, and a tall tale doesn’t cast as long of a shadow or light as a child’s imagination playing…

  • barbarian days review

    Barbarian Days Book Review + July Reading List

    As promised – the Barbarian Days book review. I’ve finally finished Barbarian Days: A Surfing Life by William Finnegan. I’d had my eye on the book for a while, and when it won a Pulitzer Prize for autobiography this spring, it suddenly made it’s way into my hands. Surfing. Chris calls it “the fever”. As in “he has the fever” – the only way to describe someone known to disappear at a surf buoy’s notice. In case you didn’t notice from the blog photos, Chris has the fever. Finnegan has lived with the fever and will take you, the willing reader, on that journey with him. William Finnegan’s prose makes surf culture…

  • Photography,  Surf,  Travel

    Matagorda Surf + Sun

    We found some Matagorda surf, and sun, on Sunday and Monday. What better way is there to spend a long weekend? We met up with friends, too, so it was in good company. With fireworks. There were waves, sure, but too much wind! When it’s too windy, the waves are choppy like a dishwashing machine. How to begin at the end? This weekend’s photos are in reverse, with the middle of the plot in the beginning, the beginning AND the end at the end. I’ve been into narrative literature lately, so I’m thinking about these things. Interested? Check out Narratology by Mieke Bal and Reading for the Plot by Peter Brooks. So windy…

  • yoga teacher training books
    Books,  Living,  Reviews

    Yoga Teacher Training Book Reviews

    Yoga Teacher Training is well under way, and my book collection is steadily growing. I’m so excited to have finally started yoga teacher training. The majority of our training comes from the Joy Yoga University manual, but these books are my best friends for the five months of yoga teacher training. I have tons of other books on yoga to dig into and share, but these are the core books for me to really focus on for now. I respond well to learning from books.   Teaching Yoga: Essential Foundations & Techniques By Mark Stephens Teaching Yoga feels like the primary textbook for our yoga teacher training. There’s a chapter that…