spooky paleo apple bites recipe

Spooky Paleo Apple Bites Recipe for Halloween

This spooky paleo apple bites recipe filled with almond butter is not only healthy and fun, it’s also super easy to make. One of the best things about fall is that it’s apple season! AND with Halloween on the horizon, now is the perfect time for all of the spooktacular recipes you’ve been waiting to take a bite out of all year long.

The most fun thing about Halloween is the pranks. I love fun, nice pranks. Pack spooky apple bites to add a special surprise to a potluck party or in a kid’s lunch. Surprise! Toothy apples. Get the word out. I can’t stop with the corny apple jokes.

Does this remind anyone else of Rocky Horror Picture Show? Just a little bit?

paleo apple bites ingredients

Spooky Apple Bites Recipe Ingredients

2 Red Apples
Almond Butter
Almond Slices
Lemon Juice (optional)

Make Time: 30 minutes – 1 hour, depending on how fancy you get with it

paleo apple bites directions

Spooky Apple Bites Recipe Directions

Wash the apples! Use a paring knife to quarter the apples. Remove the core and seeds. If you want to, brush lemon juice over the white flesh of the apple. This will keep it from turning brown if you are preparing these snacks for later.

Take the paring knife, and carefully draw a mouth shape over the red flesh. If you’re worried about making it look “right”, let that go. Get creative here! I found that the less precise the mouths were, the more expressive they looked. Haha. These are so funny (and weird) to me.

Use a knife to dollop the almond butter into each apple “mouth”. Smooth the edges with the side of the knife.

Halve the almond slices, and carefully line the edges of the mouth with them like “teeth”. Haha, this is another opportunity to find your own expressions. I tried to make the teeth fairly even, starting in the top middle and working out. You may want to leave some missing teeth, make teeth all around, have the teeth stick out, or make them completely mismatched and jagged. The possibilities are only limited by your imagination 😉

Like always, I meant to take more process pics. But then I started making the apples, looked down and they were done. Oops! I’ll try to remember next time.

spooky apple bites

That’s it! Enjoy your creation. These apple bites look like mouths, but are really just almond butter and apple sandwiches. So healthy! So weird!

Also, it’s fun to hold these in your mouth and pretend like you are a zombie. Who says you’re not supposed to play with your food?

Oh man. These apple bites are so weird. Am I really weird for making them? I feel kind of weird.

paleo apple bites recipe

If you make this apple bites recipe, share your pics! These apple mouths are so hilarious. What are they saaaaying?!

I'm an artist and writer, with a lifestyle blog Likely By Sea.