Fruit Free Green Smoothie from In Sonnet’s Kitchen

It can be difficult to find a green smoothie that doesn’t have some kind of fruit added to it. These smoothies, while healthy, have sneaky sugars. This fruit free green smoothie recipe combines refreshing cucumber, zesty parsley, and tangy lemon with a creamy avocado to take the edge of the flavor and coconut water to sweeten it up. Ingredients: Cucumber, parsley, lemon, avocado, spinach, coconut water

It can be difficult to find a green smoothie that doesn’t have some kind of fruit added to it. These smoothies, while healthy, have sneaky sugars. This fruit free green smoothie recipe combines refreshing cucumber, zesty parsley, and tangy lemon with a creamy avocado to take the edge of the flavor and coconut water to sweeten it up.

Cucumber, parsley, lemon, avocado, spinach, coconut water

I'm an artist and writer, with a lifestyle blog Likely By Sea.